Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The week that was...

HI, the week that has passed has been a fairly good one, Thursday, however wasn't good swimming wise and I think I'm getting some clues as to why I get cramp in my legs. Dehydration I think could very well be a major part in this problem that I'm having. I seem to get it only after I have been at work in and out of a rubbish truck all day doing what I do. I never seem to get it on a Sunday training day. Anyway I have been trying to keep up my fluids as well as the electrolytes and mag phos.

Went home to Foxton on Friday and had a really enjoyable weekend. Wasn't much looking forward to the return trip home, but alas got it done safely.
Stopped in at the AC Baths in Taupo for my swim, here's what I did:

200 warm up
100 long dog
100 duck feet
100 sculling (both hands)
100m w/20sec
200m w/20sec
300m w/20sec
400m w/30sec
300m w/20sec
200m w/20sec
100m - last 3 sets done with pull buoy and paddles

100 m warm down

Timed my 400 8 min 8 sec - last time I timed a 400 was about a month ago and it was 8 min 24 sec.

Gym last night Chest / Triceps

Feeling shattered today. Have had a hard day.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I'm back in the game peoples...

Hello, as you can see, I'm back in the game. I had a really good session tonight with Kathy and the squad. There are a few new faces and one of them is this really fast fish like creature. Man, i was in awe watching him swim. Effortless. Makes me envious! One day Mr Tua..... One day.

Here's what we did tonight

200mtr warm up
8x25 mtr build w/:15 rest/25mtrs
100 mtr shark fin drill
100 mtr finger tip drag
200 mtr technique swim - drills done with fins
5x100 mtr aerobic swim w/:20 rest/100mtrs
3x200 mtr as 100mtrs tennis ball swim and 100 hard pull swim w/:20-30sec/200mtrs
200 mtrs easy kick w/fins
100 mtrs warm down

Total 2200 mtrs.

As weird as it feels, I really enjoy the tennis ball swims, especially when you get rid of them and you definately feel the difference it the pull! Hands feel like they are giant oars!

Wanna hear a joke? OK then seeing as you asked so nicely....

A drunken cowboy lay sprawled across three entire seats in the posh Amarillo Theater. When the usher came by and noticed this, he whispered to the cowboy, "Sorry, sir, but you're only allowed one seat." The cowboy groaned but didn't budge. The usher became more impatient: "Sir, if you don't get up from there I'm going to have to call the manager." Once again, the cowboy just groaned. The usher marched briskly back up the aisle, and in a moment he returned with the manager. Together the two of them tried repeatedly to move the cowboy, but with no success Finally they summoned the police. The Texas Ranger surveyed the situation briefly then asked, "All right buddy what's your name?" "Sam," the cowboy moaned. "Where ya'll from, Sam?" asked the Ranger. With terrible pain in his voice, and without moving a muscle, Sam replied, ... "the balcony."

Have a happy Wednesday.

Mr Tua

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Clear heads get things done...

Woke up this morning with a determination to get out of the house for a walk and a swim. Mission accomplished. Shar and I headed out just after 10 for a stroll to the pools. She was going to swim as well but decided against it. That was cool. I did a 2 km swim and then we walked home again to do some jobs etc.... Here's what I did at the pools.

200 mtr warm up
100 mtr one arm drill (arm by side)
100 mtr long dog drill
100 mtr duck feet drill
100 mtr kick - drills done with fins
200 mtr technique swim
250 mtr tennis ball swim
250 mtr technique swim
8x50 25 easy, 25 hard
200 mtr pull/paddle
100 mtr easy warm down

Here's to a good week for all, hoping it doesn't rain all week.... Out in the rain for 9 to 12 hrs a day for 4 days last week didn't do my morale any good I tell you!

Did you know: More people eat alligators/crocodiles each year than there are alligators/crocodiles who eat people. Nice meat too on a croc!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I'm really quite proud of this.....

I went for a walk tonight, but that's not what I'm proud of. What I am proud of is that I had asked Ashlee (15) to come for a walk, originally I got the answer I expected which was a resounding NO! But then as I was getting ready to leave she too, was getting ready to leave with me! Then, to top that one Michaela (14) said" where are you going?", we told her, to which "I'm coming too" was her reply!! Now, the thing I'm most proud of is that they came, walked, didn't moan, wore their hi viz vests and got home safe. Well done girls.

Also, Shar tells me that she and her work mate are thinking of doing the 12km walk, when I do the City 2 Surf in September! I think that is pretty bloody cool.

Happy Days my amigos, happy days :)

To Do List...

I thought I'd publish my TDL (To Do List) so here it is ...

To Do List for Mr Tua
(as at 28.05.09 at 10:41am)

· Goal weight 100kg before Challenge Wanaka 16.01.10
· Complete City to Surf ½ Marathon 27.09.09
· Finish Challenge Wanaka swim leg in under 90 mins
· Cross the Lake swim in Taupo 4.3km February 2010
· Bayfair Pharmacy Triathlon March 2010
· Round The Lake Cycle Challenge, Taupo November 2010
· Ironman New Zealand, Taupo March 2011
· Save enough money to have a debt free wedding.

The hardest one I think will be the last one.... We've already postponed it twice now.... It'll come.

Another post later.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Back into it...

Hi there, have had a pretty different weekend and end to last week. I had my youngest brother and his wife come stay the night on Friday night from Foxton and then the 3 of us headed over the Kaimai Ranges to Hamilton to the funeral of our cousin Viki. She was only 36 years old, far too young. So before I go any further, RIP Viki, like Ozzy said- "See you on the other side."

Now, I'm in "back into it" mode

Today was work as usual! Even on a public holiday someone has to get the rubbish!! :)

Gym workout and program change today

10 min cardio workout on treadmill


Bench Press 3x10x60 kg
D/Bell Incline Press 3x12x40 lb (each)
Bench Dips ( to failure ) 20, 16, 14
D/Bell Tricep Curls 3x15x45 lb
Cable Cross Overs 3x15x20 kg
Dips -assissted ( to failure ) 14,12,11
Tricep Pushdowns 3x15x50 kg

Crunches 3x30

20 min FBP - treadmill

Glad to get it out of the way semi early. I can go to bed early tonight YAY!

Back to the pools come Sunday. Thumb is healing well, a bit tender but.

I think I'll walk after work tomorrow.
See you