Monday, July 27, 2009

Catch up blog.... and a gaping hole in my mouth

I've just returned from the dentist, with a numb mouth, a hole where a tooth used to be and some gauze in the spot where the tooth was. Above all that, I got a discount because the tooth came out easily! So it only cost me $160 instead of $180. Still $20 is $20. I can't wait for the anaesthetic to wear off - NOT.
The tooth fairy better come tonight too or I'll be pissed off. She'll probably try the old "but we're in the midst of a recession" routine. HAHAHA

Anyway, here's something to ponder. How the hell, can you get hayfever in the middle of winter? Can someone please answer that. I know it's not the flu or a head cold. Just the weeping eyes, snotty nose that runs like a tap that needs a new washer and sneezing like a sneezing thing. Thought I was going to sneeze my head off my shoulders last night. Thus the reason I didn't swim yesterday. One thinks that maybe, just maybe, there are some early blooming trees with big flowers that have set it off. We've a flowering tree in our yard at the moment that may be the cause, don't know.

Anywho, Tuesday and Thursday swims were really cool. I had an excellent swim both days.

200 w/up
8x25 underwater streamline kick followed up with 8x25 4 stroke swim/4 stroke "sight breathing" swim w/:15 rest after each 25
300 aerobic swim
300 aerobic pull buoy swim
3x150 steady w/50 HARD :20 rest after each 50
200 easy kick
300 pull buoy swim with long stroke

Total 2300

200m warm up
(Set through x2)50m long dog / 50m kick50m catchup / 50m kick50m one arm drill / 50m kick
(set through x2)150m tennis ball / 150m swim :20 rest
75m x 8 as 25m easy / 25m steady / 25m hard :15 rest
300m Hypoxic swim with pull buoy (breathe every 2/4 strokes)
100m kick
100m warm down easy

2500m total

So, now with some pain killers and a new gauze in my mouth, I'm going to chill out for the rest of the day.

Have a happy day.
Mr Tua

Sunday, July 19, 2009

2 more good swims... and not much else

Have had another 2 good sessions in the pool, Thursday and today. Was extremely happy with Thursdays session with no cramp after a hard day on the truck. We've got 26 weeks to go until Challenge Wanaka and I know it's going to get harder but it'll be bloody worth it.

Thursdays swim:
200 w/up
100 x 6 kick flip drill
100 shark fin drill
100 zipper drill (drills done with fins)
3 sets of 300 aerobic swim w/:20 rest, then 50 HARD w/:20 rest, then another 50 HARD w/:20 rest
200 pull buoy
200 pull/paddle
100 w/down

Total 2200m

We did something new tonight: the 6 kick flip drill, it was different, to be fair, but fun at the same time. New is good.

Todays session went like this:
200 w/up
8x25 start easy build to hard w/:10 rest after each
100 one arm drill ( did this one properly today )
100 catch up drill
200 technique swim w/fins
5x100 as 75 steady, 25 HARD w/:20 rest
400 pull buoy
400 paddle swim
200 w/down

Total 2300

Finished the Hamish Carter story today. Not a bad read. I'll start the Kerre Woodham book tonight, after I start to plan my training leading up to the City 2 Surf. Haha got nothing else to do, my family are coming home in the morning.

Have a good week my amigos - Que tengas una buena semana

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

This running thing isn't all that bad...

Today, I ran and ran and ran. It was a matter of having to rather than wanting to at first, but after the first hour or so, I was over the having to and just did it. The reason why I had to is this: At work, the company have sold a lot of the company runs to private owner/drivers and the last of them started last week. So, someone has to teach him where to go and basically do his work for him while he finds his feet, for lack of a better term. This pisses me off somewhat as we were just thrown in the deep end when we started with a map and told "Here you go, fill your boots" So my train of thought is, if we had to do it like that, why doesn't he? I mean he's making money for himself at my expense and I'm not getting any extra for doing his work and all he's doing is sitting on his arse driving a truck around. Hmmmmm... Something don't quite add up if ya get my drift.... That's my rant for the day and I'm over it now, so let's talk aboot something else. Like, last nights swim. Ok then...

Last nights swim was great!
Although I think Kathy will be scratching her head saying HUH?

I never finished my session, however, what I did do, all 1900 mtrs of it was done HARD!

200 warm up
100 catch up drill
100 long dog drill
100 one arm drill - albeit done not quite the correct way. I had my breathing and stroke all back to front and no matter what I thought of doing to correct myself, I was doing it like a tard & i knew it!
8x25 underwater streamline - I absolutely loved this. It was a good lung burn out!
Ladder set with 15 sec rest after each.
50 mtrs
100 mtrs
200 mtrs
300 mtrs
200 mtrs
100 mtrs
50 mtrs
200 easy kicking. - That was the downfall in the session. Cramped up. Nothing else needs to be said.

That's about me for this post. So until next time. "Keep cool til after school" :)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Another awesome session

Had another awesome session in the pool today, along with Thursdays session which was awesome too. My swimming seems to be coming along just fine, so I'll keep doing what I'm doing until I get told otherwise :)
Thursdays session was :
4x100 as 75 swim / 25 streamlined kick
8x25 w/fins :10 rest after each HARD
8x50 aerobic swim
400 pull buoy swim
8x50 aerobic swim
400 pull / paddle swim
200 easy swim
100 breast stroke to warm down

2500 m

Todays session
200 warm up
100 long dog drill w/fins
100 duck feet drill w/fins
200 technique swim w/fins
4x100 aerobic swim
400 pull buoy swim
4x100 aerobic swim
400 pull / paddle swim
200 kicking w/fins
100 easy warm down

Total 2500 m

Was feeling really tight in the hamstrings today after Fridays gym session. Had a big legs and shoulders w/out, but after my swim today, am feeling pretty good tonight. I'm thinking that I may have to cut back on gym sessions so I can concentrate on getting the City 2 Surf done and dusted. What to do, what to do? I'll take any ideas that may be forthcoming from anyone.

Well, I'm off to bed to do a bit of reading. Picked up a book from the library today, by Hamish Carter, so far, so good, so I'll keep reading.
Ka kite.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Today I feel like S*#T

Have been feeling like crap since I got home from work yesterday. Was up most of the night throwing up what I didn't even know I ate. Going back to bed now. Hope to be better tomorrow.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Excellent swim session

I said I was going swimming today and I did and I had a blast!

Here's what I think I did.... LOL now I know what some of you are thinking, but when you stare at the black line for an hour, my mind tends to drift into the unknown and the last thing on one's mind is what or how many lengths they've completed.

200 warm up
100 one arm drill
100 catch up drill
100 finger tip drag drill
200 technique swim
6x100 as 75 aerobic and 25 hard
400 pull buoy
400 pull buoy and paddles
200 warm down

TOTAL 2300m
I'm glad I went, it was what I needed.

I did wonder something however, why is it that heavy metal and rock music in general, tends to motivate people? I ask this because over the weekend I have had a steady stream of Metallica, Puddle Of Mudd,Radiohead, Jimi Hendrix, The Doors and Aerosmith playing on my MP4 whether it was doing the grocery shopping, driving around with the only other person at home this weekend, being Ashlee, or just lazing about the place. The point I'm trying to make is after listening to this all weekend and I've actually not long finished because it went flat, so it's charging, I really couldn't wait for 3:45 to arrive so I could go swimming! I was inspired by angry music to get off my arse and do some training. What's that about? I guess while it's working, I'll not change anything.

Have a great week, I will and be kind to one another

Mr Tua

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Don't panic.... I'm still alive :)

Hello there people, the month that was June, was frustrating to say the least for a number of reasons that I'll not go in to in a lot of detail, BUT I did manage to train. Well, I should say the later part of June was frustrating not the whole month. Pool work not been so great since my swim at Taupo, but gym work has been good and I actually talked my supervisor into joining the gym as well and he seems to be enjoying it too.

We - (being the members of Team "Get A Perm") have 27 weeks from today before our date with destiny - Challenge Wanaka 2010 and I have 12 weeks until City 2 Surf half marathon which will be a real challenge for me and one I'm sure I can get the better of, it's a mind thing Mr Tua, remember that.

So, I go back to pool sessions tomorrow, to start what is going to be 6 months of training hard to achieve my part in Team Get A Perms' goal - to finish what we started.

Oh, now for something completely different.... I'm learning a language as of the 4th August. Something not entirely foreign to me, but something I know I should know, but under certain circumstances, I am embarrassed to say I have no idea about. The Maori language.
So yeah, I'm off to Te Wananga O Aotearoa, 3 hours, 1 night a week for an immersion in Te Ara Reo Maori, something I should have done YEARS ago, or more to the point, something I should've not stopped learning, just like the 3 years of violin lessons I took at college. I know I'll have people who know me scratching their heads on that one LOL.

See you tomorrow for a swim session update
Mr Tua

p.s Welcome to my journey Rachel Harris...