Sunday, November 29, 2009

Not long to go now.....

Yeah, like it says, not long to go now! Only a few more weeks and we'll be doing our thing in Wanaka. With approximately 7 weeks to go I think it's time to step it up a notch with the swim training. The plan now is to swim 5 to 6 days a week and taper off with about a week to go, doing a couple of BIG swims in those 5 to 6 days. It's all good.

Just returned to Tauranga from Taupo where I went and introduced Anna to some very good friends of mine, do a spot of training last night and a very nice lake swim session this morning.
The Great Lake Cycle Challenge was yesterday and our mate Paul Miller did the enduro ride and kicked it's arse. For someone who cycled 320 km in about 11 and a quarter hours, he swam bloody well in the lake this morning. Well done Paul, you certainly can be very proud of yourself.

As for my training, it's been ok, not mind blowing, exceptional, or excellent - just ok. Some aspects of my training havn't been too shit hot, but I'm certainly not going to panic. Steady as she goes I think.

Well that's about it from me. I look forward to sharing the next 6 weeks of my training with you all.

Have a good week.

Mr Tua

Saturday, November 14, 2009

I lost my car key.....

This morning Anna & I went for a run around the mount. I had put my key in the pocket of my shorts. Halfway round, I decided to put the key in the little pocket inside my shorts.... Safe as houses I thought! Ha, famous last words indeed. I finished my run and when I got back to the car, it was OH F@#K!!! where is the bloody key? An immediate turn around was in order and backtrack to where I had swapped pockets to no avail.:(
I still have no key as the spare is @ Sharleen's and she's away for the weekend.
I really needed to get into my car, to retrieve cellphone, wallet, swimming bag, mp3 player, you know the important stuff, so a quick call into work to pick up some essentials and it was off to break into the car. Nice to know I haven't lost my touch hahahaha. Items retrieved and car locked. Hope it's OK. I'm sure it will be. I'll check in the morning when Anna & I go for a ride. (Anna has a 2 hr ride to do).
In the afternoon, we had a pool session. It was supposed to be a long one for me, but for some reason my head really wasn't in the right place and I stopped at 3.3km. I had planned on doing 4km.

Well, just a short blog tonight, it's almost 11 and we want to be riding by 7 so better get my carcass into bed.

Haere ra ki a koutou

Mr Tua

Friday, November 13, 2009

HI, I've had a very busy week, well busy 2 weeks really. Work has changed a bit for me and will continue to do so for the next 5 months. I'm job sharing a commercial run over the next 5 months and after 2 weeks, I've had enough! Haha. This getting up at 2 in the morning Mon, Tues, Wed and Fri doesn't really excite me, (I get to sleep in til 4 on Thursdays!!!!) but I guess you do what you have to. The fact the I'm doing 2 weeks of these dumb hours and 2 weeks of "normal" hours where I get up at 6 are not doing my body clock any favours, so at the moment I feel like a walking zombie and probably look like one too truth be known. But it is only for 5 months. The upside to this change in work hours is that I get to go and train early, which is cool but then find myself pretty wired at the end of it and struggle to go to sleep. Doesn't help when the landlords dog goes apeshit and wakes you up. What do you do? You go swim!

Speaking of which, I've been doing some really good sessions in the last 2 weeks. 2.5km Tuesday, Thursday of last week, 4km Saturday with Kathy then 2.8km at squad last Sunday.

Went for a swim Tuesday, thanks to the dog but unsure how far we swam (squad swim). Planning on a big swim Saturday (4km) and whatever Kathy gives us on Sunday at squad. So a quiet week this week. About 9 weeks to go and looking forward to it.

Off running in the morning with Anna, am actually enjoying this running caper. Oh and did a 50km bike on Tuesday after work too. That was fun.

Brother Maurice text me today to say he'd done a 3hr run this morning (it's a public holiday in ChCh today), said he was a bit sore in the knees, so I told him to go stand in the cold water. Whether he listened or not is another story. LOL

Well I'm off to do something... unsure as to what exactly, but I'll do whatever.

See you next time.

Ma te wa

Mr Tua

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Have been running, biking AND swimming........

Yep you read that right, running, biking and swimming. Now it's public knowledge that I hate running with a passion, but as of late it doesn't seem to be too bad at all. Have been enjoying it too which does concern me somewhat. I went to Tauranga Tri Club on Wed and ran, yesterday at 6:30 am we were running and then I even had the energy to have a quick 2km run on the treadmill before I started lifting at the gym yesterday afternoon. Hmmmmm I see a pattern forming here....

My downfall however, was my swim yesterday or lack of energy to complete my swim. had planned on doing a 2 km swim just straight swimming but I had absolutely nothing left. I did manage about a km of swimming and kicking so I guess it was better than nothing.

I've been training with a spring in my step, infact getting through life with that same spring in my step and must say that it's pretty groovy right now (life that is). I have a new source of inspiration and training partner of sorts, who also doubles as my new girlfriend, Anna.
We swim together in the same squad and sometimes it's a little competitive in the pool, but that's all good. Anna is training for the Tinman Tri in Dec, so that'll be good to watch.

Swimming training has been good. Even though last Monday was a public holiday, I managed to go to work, then get in the pool for a 2.5 km swim which was made up of 5 sets of 500m. Being: 500 swim, 500 kick, 500 pull buoy, 500 pull / paddle, 500 swim. It was a good swim!

Thursday night saw us do a 400 time trial at squad. My time for that was 7.09. I'm well happy with that. I texted Kathy to say how pleased I was with my time and she said the 1st 400 I did with her as my coach was 8.24 back in May, so to cut that much time off is pretty pleaing for me I must say. I think we're doing another in a few weeks before Tinman so the aim is under 7 mins. I'll be really happy if that happens and I believe it will.

Today, we set off for a ride. It was a nice ride of just over 50km. But now my legs are shot to bits and I really hope that I can swim well this afternoon. I can't get over just how many people cycle in this fair city of ours. It was nice to ride with a group too instead of trudging along by myself. I'm really beginning to like this group training thing. It helps you to focus a bit better I reckon.

Well, I'm out of here like a bald man to psyche myself up for squad.

Mr Tua